Computer Progressive Lenses

Computer Progressive lenses

Reviewed by Dr. Justin Asgarpour

Progressive lenses specifically for screen-time. If you have an ADD power on your prescription, Computer Progressives help you see clearly at intermediate and near distances, with a built-in blue light filter.


What makes Computer Progressive lenses different?

They provide near (40cm away) and intermediate (60cm away) vision correction. Because there's no distance correction, they offer a wider field of vision at arm's-length, so it's easier to see a laptop or computer screen.


How do Computer Progressives work?

The near distance prescription is in the bottom portion of the lens and intermediate vision is in the middle and top portion, with a built-in blue light filter across the entire lens surface.

Why wear Computer Progressive lenses?

With our DualView BlueReflect™ Computer Progressives, you can expect

•    Clarity at computer and reading distance (avoid eye strain and the need to switch between pairs)
•    See your computer screen clearly without tilting your neck (as with progressive lenses)
•    Blue light filter for indoors and outdoors.

Computer Progressives are an ideal second pair to keep at your desk or near your laptop. Because they don’t offer far distance correction, they aren't suitable for walking or driving.


Why wear Computer Progressive lenses?

With our DualView BlueReflect™ Computer Progressives, you can expect

•    Clarity at computer and reading distance (avoid eye strain and the need to switch between pairs)
•    See your computer screen clearly without tilting your neck (as with progressive lenses)
•    Blue light filter for indoors and outdoors.

Computer Progressives are an ideal second pair to keep at your desk or near your laptop. Because they don’t offer far distance correction, they aren't suitable for walking or driving.

What to consider before getting Computer Progressives

Computer Progressive lenses can revolutionize your screen-time routine, bringing clearer vision and improved comfort. There's a few things to know before you shop.

Cost of Computer Progressives

Computer Progressives have a specialty type of lens with a higher technology spec compared to single-vision or bifocals, which makes them more expensive than other types of lenses.

Slight blue reflection on the lens surface

Blue light filtering properties will create a slight blue reflection on the lens surface. Won't impact your vision, but others may notice it when looking at you.

Slight yellow tint

May notice a slight yellow tint in Computer Progressive lenses due to blue light filter. Won't impact vision, unless work requires very acute colour perception. 

If you still feel uncomfortable after 2-3 weeks, contact our Customer Service team.

Comparing types of progressives

Progressive lenses

Distance vision

Intermediate/computer vision

Reading vision


Computer Progressives 
Correct intermediate and near vision needs (e.g. desktop computer and reading a document). Larger field of intermediate vision. Harmful blue light and UV protection.


Premium Progressives 
Correct near, intermediate, and far vision needs. Offer a wider field of vision with 30% less peripheral distortion compared to Standard Progressives.


Standard Progressives 
Correct near, intermediate, and far vision needs. The best vision is found in the central part of the lens, with slight distortions in the periphery.    

How to buy Computer Progressives online

Add DualView BlueReflectTM lenses to create glasses for reading and intermediate (computer) distances, with added blue light filter and UV protection.

1. Select your favourite frames

2. Select Progressives as your vision need

3. Enter your prescription

4. Choose Computer lenses as your light filter

Frequently Asked Questions

Computer Progressive lenses are a type of progressive lens that's specifically designed for computer or laptop use. Rather than containing near, intermediate, and distance correction (like regular progressives), Computer Progressives exclusively provide near and intermediate vision. This means the arm's-length vision correction is much more comprehensive compared to regular progressives, so it's far more comfortable and easy to see your computer or laptop screen.

Regular progressives aren't designed for long hours in front of a computer or laptop because the intermediate vision field is fairly limited. This means you won't have a wide field of view for arm's length vision and you'll need to tilt your head to see your screen clearly. Our Computer Progressives are specially designed to provide near and intermediate (arm's-length) vision correction, which makes them a much better option for extended screen-time periods.

It's easy to use your progressive prescription to get Computer Progressives at Clearly. When you're ready to select your lenses, select Progressive as your vision need, enter your prescription, and choose Computer lenses. We'll take it from there!